Understanding LCAP
The Local Control and Accountability Plan is a three-year plan focused on state and local priorities that describes goals, actions, services and expenditures to support student achievement. Each school district must engage parents, educators, employees and the community to establish these plans.
Following are the eight goals and actions for Victor Valley Union High School District for the 2018-2019 school year:
1. Increase the number of students who graduate, on time, with viable college and career options
1.1 Continue to fund additional counselors through LCFF to reduce student to counselor ratios at the large comprehensive high schools and create equity at schools of choice. Continue to provide 6 dedicated intervention counselors at specific school sites to support PBIS implementation, improve disciplinary behavior and promote social emotional development for at-risk students, Low Income, and Foster Youth in primarily grades 7 and 9 as outlined in the district Strategic Plan. (see Goal 4, action/service 4.3)
1.2 Provide foster youth with increased services as they are identified and enrolled in the district. Increase services to positively impact school connectedness though funding for involvement in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities as well as school supplies to ensure they are equipped for success in classroom.
1.3 Continue to provide increased credit recovery opportunities for at-risk, EL, low income and foster youth students to increase their opportunity to graduate on time. Opportunities may include but not be limited to the use of online credit recovery programs, independent study options, and dual or concurrent enrollment with the local community colleges.
1.4 Ensure Foster Youth district liaison has adequate training, knowledge, and resources to carry out responsibilities (Ed. Code 48853.5) to reduce the effects of mobility for our foster youth. The district liaison will continue with professional development on homeless and foster youth as well as support/organize professional development for all district staff. The district liaison will maintain a database for foster youth and homeless youth contact information and coordinate with school site homeless liaisons.
1.5 Employ a Coordinator of English Learner Programs and Interventions. The coordinator will monitor EL student and RFEP student progress through a district – wide system and use the data to implement program and curricular changes to increase their achievement.
1.6 Increase the number of English Learner students achieving proficiency and reclassification though the use of intervention/support classes, supplementary instructional materials, afterschool tutoring and student progress monitoring by site EL Coordinator and teachers.
1.7 Provide release time or extra duty for teachers to refine and improve district pacing guides and revise and align course offerings in all subject areas to meet state framework requirements, common core instructional shifts and A-G requirements. Extra duty compensation will also be provided for teachers to serve on district Curriculum Advisory Boards in all subject areas to support curricular decision making.
1.8 Support students meeting the state college and career indicator in the area of career pathways by continuing to fully fund and expand the Career Technical Education Program, CTE courses, dual enrollment courses and other courses that qualify for career readiness. Provide for the necessary personnel as well as instructional materials, equipment, stakeholder awareness, and career exploration not provided through other budget resources such as Perkins, etc. Provide funding to support Career Technical Student Organizations to increase student involvement in career education. (See Goal 4, action/service 4.4)
1.9 Provide instructional materials and resources to support/increase the implementation of standards aligned curriculum that reinforces the instructional shifts of common core. Include electronic databases and online subscriptions to provide teachers and students increased access to expository texts and literary materials that support common core. Support textbook adoptions to meet the changes of the California State Standard, the History Social Science Framework and the Next Generation Science Standards.
1.10 Provide every school site with the necessary resources to build a college going environment with a focus on student target groups. Include increased access to college visits, college and career fairs, and community events for future college and career planning. The district will employ the use of the National Student Clearinghouse to track district student enrollment in colleges and universities across the nation.
1.11 Provide for necessary changes to infrastructure technology and replacement of aging equipment such as chrome book carts etc. at school sites to stay current and meet the needs of students for college readiness and 21st century skills.
1.12 Purchase devices for student use in the classroom for instruction and assessment reducing the device to student ratio to 1 to 1 (1:1).
1.13 Employ five intervention teachers to target student social-emotional well-being and reduce behavior incidents on campus. The Intervention teacher will also support PBIS by implementing strategies during small group support and schoolwide initiatives.
1.14 Provide professional development for counselors and career center technicians in college entrance requirements, financial aid options for low income students, the Dream Act and other information to increase equitable access to UC/CSU/CC for targeted student groups.
1.15 Purchase additional instructional materials to assist moderate to severely disabled students access to the CSS.
1.16 TechEd will continue to employ two additional staff to provide support for teachers and administration to collaborate on data compilation, disaggregation of data, and data uploading to various online sources such as CalGrant, etc. Additional professional development will be provided to all staff in regards to Aeries, CalPads, understanding data requirements, timelines, and skills to navigate data manipulation requirements.
2. Develop a family engagement and support program to educate families, parents and guardians about students’ post-graduation options.
2.1. Continue to assess district and school climate as well as parent/guardian feedback on satisfaction in areas measured by the state indicators and California School Dashboard
2.2. Provide additional funding for school sites to offer additional resources (conferences, guest speakers, parent education programs, cultural proficiency, to parents/guardians to increase attendance at school site meetings and events. Support parents/guardian in their understanding of educational initiatives when they are serving as member of a committee such as DAC, SSC, ELAC or DELAC by offering conferences and training opportunities. Allow for refreshments and child care when needed.
2.3. Offer College & Career events that involve parents, such as: College Application Workshops (Grades 11-12), College Information Workshops (Grades 9-12), Financial Aid Workshops (Grades 11-12), FAFSA Workshops (Grade 12), Scholarship Workshops (Grades 10-12) and K-16 Bridge Information Evenings. Schools will ensure an emphasis on target groups of student such Special Education, EL, Low Income, and Foster Youth.
2.4. Hold annual meetings, led by counselors, teachers or administrative staff, with parents to educate/update parents on their child(ren)'s progress towards graduation and/or college & career readiness. Ensure the events for parents/guardians of targeted EL students are bilingual. Provide translation.
2.5. Continue to employ Career Center Technicians at school sites as funding becomes available. The district desires to have a career center technician at all high school sites by 2020. Increase the number of Career Center Technicians from three to four if fiscally feasible. If a fourth person is employed, they will be assigned as follows: 1 - Silverado High School, 1- Adelanto High School, 1- Victor Valley HS and GEC, 1 - Cobalt I.M.S, and University Prep.
2.6. As school sites determine their college counseling needs, they will integrate the use of Destination College Advisors as part of their SPSA.
2.7. Provide support for a Parent Center at school sites who have employed a Family Engagement Liaison. The Family Engagement Liaison will support and monitor parent engagement. They will also support the school sites with the annual parent survey, parent attendance monitoring using OMS, and provide events to help parents navigate the school system
3. Provide and encourage extensive career exploration opportunities though increased elective offerings and academic guidance.
3.1. Continue to support the Bridge Program aligned with Victor Valley College by identifying a counselor at each campus who will help identify and recruit students. Students will earn priority enrollment and the bridge counselor will support them with the process. Bridge counselor will be provided extra duty pay for activities and job duties related to the Bridge Program that extend beyond the contractual day.
3.2. Through increased college and career counseling, District and site administration, with the support of counselors and career center technicians, will work with local community colleges (specifically Victor Valley College) to establish/ maintain a concurrent enrollment and start the process for a dual enrollment program. Students will have the opportunity to earn an AA or AS degree upon completion from high school.
3.3. Provide additional funding for student study trips aligned to the college and career readiness indicator to promote student achievement. Support transportation, entry fees, and chaperone funding necessary to increase the number of targeted students groups accessing information and applying to post-graduate programs.
3.4. The Coordinator of CTE will support counseling staff with the promotion of all available career pathways throughout the district to increase student awareness and choices available regarding college and career focus. The coordinator will also support the expansion of career opportunities through CTE by exploring greater opportunities for the district and school sites to strengthen ties with the business community, involving the counseling staff whenever possible. The coordinator will work with the middle school programs to align current vocational courses to the career pathways at the high schools. This will also include increased services for special education students through support of a workability liaison.
4. Expand interventions to graduate students, on time, prepared for college and career.
4.1. Employ or continue to employ a TOA Middle School Math coach and a TOA High School Math Coach in order to increase teacher support with content and instructional strategies to support the instructional shifts of concepts and the eight mathematical practices.
4.2. TechEd will continue to work towards providing secure student access to our student information system to begin in Grade 7 to foster buy-in and responsibility for their own student performance.
4.3. Employ a dedicated intervention counselor for grade 7 and grade 9 student to provide support academically and socio-emotionally in order to increase student performance and reduce number of dropouts. Counselors will meet with all students in grades 7 and 9 to establish tentative goals to plan for college and career readiness. See Goal 1, action/service 1.1.
4.4. Continue and expand CTE Perkins funded programs at all high school sites through alignment of the program to meet the current labor market and collaboration and partnerships between post-secondary institutions beginning in grade 8. Partner with trade or vocational schools, the City of Victorville and Adelanto to train students with essential skills or provide for volunteer hours, internships, apprenticeships, or capstone course opportunities.
4.5. Increase the number of students applying to and being accepted to a college or university by increasing the following services:
• Embed post-high school test preparation by providing college entrance test during the school day (PSAT 8/9, PSAT/NMSQT, SAT, AP) through the use of the College Readiness, Block Grant, and fee waivers.
• Provide additional materials and online programs for student to prepare for the SAT, ACT, and other college readiness exams.
• Provide professional development for teachers to introduce EAP (SBAC), PSAT, and SAT academic concepts beginning in the 8th grade to improve student performance on college entrance exams.
• Career Center technicians will collaborate with counseling staff and help organize Career Fairs to happen at all school sites annually.
4.6 Continue to provide academic interventions to support targeted student groups to increase academic achievement and reduce credit deficiency towards graduation though the following services:
• Provide RTI support before and after school through a dedicated tutoring programs and APEX or GradPoint online courses at all school sites.
• Explore through the Math CAB/RCD the possibility of creating math courses that are modified and lengthened by using semester curriculum in a yearlong format to provide for more RTI during the school day.
• Provide 0 and/or 7th period credit recovery at the comprehensive high schools.
• Offer students the opportunity to take independent study with certificated teacher to remediate the chapters or units of study needed to complete course without having to repeat and entire course.
• Provide transportation for students to attend 0/7th period course and afterschool RTI.
4.7 Implement a chronic absentee intervention program district-wide called Attention 2 Attendance in order to reduce chronic absenteeism. Continue and expand incentive programs to encourage and reward positive attendance, as well as focus on chronic absenteeism with parent meetings, SARB and home visits.
4.8 Expand the offerings of adult education, the enrollment of potential Non-Grads and increase student support with the transition to the adult education program. Counselors will identify students who are approaching age 18 and are candidates for adult education due to their credit status and intervene early in order to help them transition to adult education to earn a diploma and reduce the number of dropouts. Explore employing such programs as Youth Build and AmeriCorps initiatives within our district to invest in career/job skills focused students.
4.9 Provide a transition day for incoming students along with providing close articulation and collaboration between middle school and high schools (Bridge Program from 8th to 9th) to ensure proper placement and establish a five year plan for each incoming freshman.
4.10 Counselors and teachers will increase communication with students to support/encourage students to exceed the minimum AG requirements and take additional years of core classes to student opportunities for acceptance to colleges and universities of their choice.
4.11 Establish a yearly EL parent meeting, with language translation, with the intervention counselors for the purpose of explaining college and career paths and interventions and supports available.
5. Establish a collaborative culture amongst stakeholders for systematic, ongoing and supportive professional development to ensure student achievement and growth through highly qualified staff.
5.1 Establish various Adhoc professional development committees that empowers stakeholders in the planning, implementation and coordination of professional development opportunities. Provide extra duty for staff to attend committee meetings beyond the contractual day.
5.2 Maintain one central location to store information regarding professional development attendance that is easily accessible. (OMS). Provide consultants or other services to support staff professional development.
5.3 Provide professional development for counselors, teachers and administration (site and district) in areas that directly impact student achievement, effective data analysis, EL strategies, student wellness and alignment of district and site goals to the state priorities and indicators. Allow for consultants and conferences to provide expert professional development along with provide extra duty for staff to attend district designed professional development beyond the contractual day. Design a two day professional development program for certificated staff prior to the start of the school to reinforce best practices and curriculum alignment. Employ an evaluative inquiry process to monitor and guide district professional development.
5.4 Provide workshops/ professional development opportunities to certificated and classified staff enhance the practices, safety and security of our students and staff.
5.5 Provide additional Professional Development and instructional support for teachers in ELA and Math by employing 2 District Coordinators
6. Establish district-wide uniformity in procedures, policies and materials to ensure effective implementation of district initiatives designed to increase student achievement.
6.1 Define and promote VVUHSD expectations for staff, students and parents. Investigate support programs to support costumer service expectations and continue to use CSSS and CSPS data to guide the direction of classified professional development in customer service.
6.2 Maximize use of the district website as an essential tool to communicate and provide resources to all stakeholders. Continue use of iDashBoards to provide data to stakeholders through the district website.
6.3 District divisions and schools sites will establish committees and conduct committee meetings to review and update protocols and procedures on an annual basis. Stakeholders will provide input to ensure equity and compliance for all federal, state and district policies.
7. Increase student academic success through attendance, responsible behavior, positive attitudes, increased graduation rates, and preparation for college and career.
7.1 Employ a Director of Comprehensive Student Support to review student suspension and expulsion, administer all expulsion procedures, review inter and intra district transfers, coordinate/conduct attendance and suspension interventions, coordinate independent study programs, assist with GED program development, assist with foster youth support programs, McKinney Vento support programs, District Liaison for County Probation, 504 LEA Coordinator, student Title IX issues, supervise and provide support for districtwide PBIS implementation, support a district parent engagement center, address OCR and disproportionality issues with targeted groups and collect/review a variety of data related to LCAP.
7.2 Develop a General Education Diploma (GED) program.
7.3 Student Support Services and the Central Enrollment Center will collaborate with outside agencies to provide a collaborative network with referral resources for housing, food, clothing and health services. Student services and health services will begin exploration of clinical counseling services.
7.4 Continue to employ a Public Engagement Information Manager.
7.5 The Director of Comprehensive Student Support will review all district-wide data entry monthly, with a focus identifying the highest number of Ed Code infractions for the purpose creating and monitoring appropriate interventions. The data will be used to modify and employ behavior expectation standards at each school site as well as develop a districtwide discipline matrix outlining other means of correction
7.6 Design and offer district and/or school celebrations to encourage school connectedness and celebrate achievement which will include, but not be limited to: National College Signing Day, Pathway Completion Achievement, Science and Engineering Fair Awards, Visual and Performing Arts Achievements, History Celebration, Reclassification Ceremony, Etc. Implement/maintain district and/or site supported student recognition programs such as: Renaissance, Honor Roll, National Honor Society, Student of the Week, It’s a Gas to go to Class.
7.7 Develop an open choice transition program for Special Education students ages 18-22 to continue with life skills and workability training
7.8 Develop and maintain grant writing consultant opportunities to possibly secure funding for a grant writing position. The position will seek to secure continued funding for additional support services for students and parents and for safety.
8. Ensure comprehensive safety standards for constantly evolving needs district-wide to include security and facilities.
8.1 Maintain a district-wide safety committee who will support district safety though/by:
• Exploring the possibility of utilizing a classified security employee to act as a district lead to ensure all safety and & security objectives are implemented, monitored and to provide support for site safety officers.
• Revising a district-wide safety plan for all school sites and departments annually. Ensure the plan has clear primary and backup roles and responsibilities for all staff at school sites and the district to perform in an emergency situation.
• Performing site assessments to determine potential liabilities and create timelines to address both correction and prevention.
• Ensuring police, probation and emergency responders are included in the creation of the safety plans.
• Utilizing a monthly/quarterly calendar of required safety drills (fire, earthquake, and intruder) in compliance with California Education Code, to include submission of evidence to Risk Management.
• Providing input on the planning and implementation of regular staff trainings on safety-plans district-wide.
8.2 Explore grants to fund increased safety precautions. Include the possibility of targeted grants for at-risk, low income and foster youth who may display at-risk behaviors such as classroom disruptions, attendance issues, etc.
8.3 Establish a school site crisis team led by a site administrator with essential personnel to support students and staff in a crisis. Provide training for the team and establish crisis protocols, mental health issues and socio-emotional support skills which staff is informed about annually.
8.4 Conduct an annual review of the effectiveness of campus safety officers and establish guidelines for staffing based on student numbers and safety related incidents. Continue to provide training for safety officers and recruitment/training of substitute safety officers. Contract for law enforcement services for student safety and SARB.