School Site Council
The School Site Council (SSC) is a decision-making group that provides oversight on matters dealing with federally- and state-funded programs. As part of the CIMS school plan, we encourage the involvement of parents and families in the education of their children. We would like to cordially invite you to serve as an important member of the School Site Council.
Cobalt's SSC meets once a month from 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM to discuss how we can best meet the educational needs of our students. Become an active voice at our school by nominating yourself!
School Site Councils provide oversight of the academic planning and budgeting process associated with the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA);in order to meet the needs of all students. SSCs provide meaningful consultation with the principal to oversee the implementation, monitoring, and revision of the SPSA, including reviewing and analyzing data; consulting with advisory groups; evaluating programs and activities; and allocating the expenditure of funds available to the school through categorical programs.
What is School Site Council?
School Site Council is an elected advisory committee made up of parents, students, community members, and school staff.
The committee’s sole purpose is
• to review achievement data, gather community input, assist in development and review of the School Plan and Title 1/EIA school budget.
• to meet monthly to monitor the implementation of the plan and the budget.
Attendance is required at eight monthly meetings beginning in September.
Who Participates?
Education Code Sections 52012 requires that a School Site Council be established at each school that participates in program improvement requiring a Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), and mandates a specific composition of that council.
The Council shall be composed of:
• 10-12 member minimum
• One-half is staff and one-half is parents
• 50% Parents and Students = 3 Parents and 3 Students
• 50% Staff= 1 Principal, 4 Teachers, and 1 Other
• Principal is de facto member of staff membership
• “Other” includes any staff member who does not have a classroom roll
• Classroom teachers must make up the majority of the staff membership
• Analyze/evaluate student academic achievement data.
• Provide input/recommendations and ensure the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) is developed and approved
• Review annually and update/ modify the school plan/ budget to reflect changing needs and priorities as they arise with the school community.
• Develop/approve the Title I budget that supports the strategies in the SPSA
• Recommend SPSA to the Local Education Agency (LEA) for approval
• Become involved in carrying out various activities assigned to SSC by the district, governing board, state and federal laws
• Assist in determining if the SPSA is effectively meeting school goals by using the monitoring tools provided by the district (i.e. school measurable, data analysis, needs assessment, etc.)
• Participate in LEA, State, and Federal reviews of school program (i.e. FPM)
• Use input SSC provides as a method of directly involving parents, community members, teachers, and students (when applicable) in promoting discussions about their schools, obtaining advise on community needs and improving public understanding of education
• Review the School Site Title I Parent Involvement Policy /Action annually and update as needed
• Review the Home-School Compact annually and update as needed.
• Encourage parents to become involved at their school
• Councils provide an arena for parents/staff leadership to emerge and develop
• Councils provide an open forum for discussing educational issues
SSC Positions
With the exception of the principal, all terms of School Site Council members shall be no more than two years.
• Attend training held by the site or district personnel
• Run meetings according to the agendas and Robert’s Rule of Order
• Help plan agendas
• Support the school / parent relationship
• Keep current on all school events
• “Be the eyes and ears” of the community and keep school informed of concerns
Recorder/ Secretary
Report minutes from previous meeting, including:
• topics discussed
• decisions made
• tasks assigned- to whom and when they will be completed
• topic for next meeting
• Motions made referencing, who made the motion, who made the second, discussion regarding the motion, and whether the approval was unanimous or not
District Advisory Council Representative
• Attend all district meetings or call alternate if not able to attend
• Report back to SSC
• Advises chairperson and other members on parliamentary procedure
• May never make a ruling on parliamentary procedure (only the chairperson can)
How to Join
Please consider coming to a meeting or nominating yourself for a position on our School Site Council. For more information please contact Mrs. Mel at (760) 955-2530 ext. 45206 or email