Nutrition Services

Welcome to the Cougar Cafe!

Students may provide their own lunch or enjoy free lunch from the “Cougar Cafe.” The cafe provides excellent food for breakfast, lunch and Supper. Students are to form a single file line to enter the facility and are not to cut the line. They are to always maintain their dining area by keeping it clean and disposing of their trash properly. Students who don’t adhere to this cleanliness policy may be assigned Campus Clean-up duty.

Since food and drinks are not allowed inside the classrooms, all students MUST consume their food & drinks before their lunch period ends. Drinks in glass bottles are not to be brought on campus at any time. Violators will have their beverages confiscated. 

Hours :

7:45 AM - 8:30 AM
3:16 PM - 3:45 PM ( M,T,TH,F )
2:22 PM - 3:15 PM ( W )