Visual and Performing Arts
Courses in the Visual and Performing Arts follow the Framework for California Public Schools adopted in January 2001. All courses build on skills and knowledge acquired in a sequential manner from beginning to advanced. One year of fine arts (10 units) can be used for graduation requirements or one year of an A thru G certified class for entrance to UC or Cal State.
Art I
Recommendation: None
Course Length: One Year
Grade Level: 7-8
UC/CSU Requirement: F
A fundamental course intended to give the student a variety of art experiences and develop personal expression and creativity. There is an emphasis on the elements and principles of design. Students work toward improving craftsmanship and building a portfolio for their future study in art.
Drama I
Recommendation: None
Course Length: One Year
Grade Level:
UC/CSU Requirement: F
This Theater Arts course is designed for students who wish to gain insight into the basics of the theatrical arts. Both performance and technical aspects will be briefly studied. Areas that will be covered in this course will include teamwork, concentration, movement, voice, play/character analysis, acting, improvisation, scene work, effective use of props and costumes, monologues, theatre vocabulary, objectives, and theatre etiquette.