Social Science

The social sciences curriculum is aligned with the California Social Science Common Core Standards. Students must earn 30 units of social science credit for graduation (10 units of World History, 10 units of Unites States History, 5 units of American Government and 5 units of Economics).


Social Science 7HP
Grade: 7
Course Length: One year
A survey of world history beginning with the Early Middle Ages and ending with the Enlightenment. In this course, students will examine the overall framework of the world’s chronology, be introduced to key historical characters and events. Students will study world geography, the Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire, Islam, Africa, China, Japan, Meso America, Medieval Europe, the Renaissance, the Reformation, age of Exploration, and the Enlightenment. Students will study a variety of cultures and history of the world in the middle ages into discovery and Enlightenment.

Social Science 8HP
Grade: 8
Course Length: One year
U.S. History is an in-depth study of our history. It particularly develops units from Early Exploration and the Colonial Period through Reconstruction. There is emphasis placed upon a working knowledge of the U.S. Constitution. Students will explore political, social, economic and cultural events that contributed to the creation of a multicultural industrial society that shaped the United States. We will analyze key issues such as the changing relationships between government and the governed; the era of exploration, European expansionism and enlightenment; the settlement and colonization of North America; the growth of a strong central state; the American Revolutionary War, Declaration of Independence, the adoption of the United States Constitution, the Jefferson era, growth and expansion, the Jackson era, Manifest Destiny, North and South, the age of Reform, the Civil War, and Reconstruction. The goal of this year of study is to develop appreciation and knowledge of our country’s past, coupled with a greater understanding of its presented future.
World History HP
Course Length: One year
Grade: 10
UC/CSU Requirement: A
This course will focus on the major turning points that shaped the modern world from the late 18th century through the present. Students will develop an understanding of the current world issues and relate them to their historical, geographical, political, economic, and cultural contexts. An emphasis will be placed on Documents Based Questions (DBQ’s) and Free Response Essays (FRE’s).

NOTE: Students may only receive the weighted grade if they take the Advanced Placement test in the spring.

AP European History
Course Length: One year 10
Grade: 10
UC/CSU Requirement: A
This course prepares students to take the national Advanced Placement Examination and is designed to be an in depth study of European history from 1450 A.D. to the present. Scores of 3, 4, or 5, on the AP Examination can result in college credit being given. This course may be offered pending sufficient enrollment.

NOTE: Students may only receive the weighted grade if they take the Advanced Placement test in the spring. This course meets the World History graduation requirement

US History
Recommendation: Course Length: One year
Grade: 11
UC/CSU Requirement: A
This course will build upon the tenth grade study of World History. Students will study the major turning points in American History emphasizing events, issues and leaders of the 20th and 21st century

AP US History
Recommendation: Course Length: One year
Grade: 11
UC/CSU Requirement: A
This is a college level that covers Pre-colonial American History through 1900’s, and prepares you for the Advanced Placement Exam, which has the potential to give college credit for the class. This is fast paced in depth coverage of United States History. There is considerable reading of textbook and primary source materials, and there is a considerable amount of writing. This course may be offered pending sufficient enrollment.

NOTE: Students may only receive the weighted grade if they take the Advanced Placement test in the spring.

American Government
Recommendation: None
Course Length: One Semester
Grade Level: 12
UC/CSU Requirement: A
This course is a semester course designed as an overview of the American political process. Emphasis is placed on the origin, structure, operation, roles and capacity for change of American institutions (i.e. Congress, the Executive, the Judiciary, Bureaucracy, and political parties).

AP Government
Recommendation: Cumulative G.P.A. of 3.0 or Higher, and a “B” in U.S. History
Course Length: One Semester (Fall and Spring)
Grade Level: 12
UC/CSU Requirement: A
AP United States Governments and Politics is a semester-long course. This course prepares students for the Advance Placement exam that focuses on six elements. These elements include: 1) Constitutional Underpinnings of United States Government, 2) Political Beliefs and Political Behaviors, 3) Political Parties, Interest Groups, and Mass Media, 4) Institutions of National Government, 5) Public Policy, and 6) Civil Rights and Civil Liberties. This course may be offered pending sufficient enrollment.

NOTE: Students may only receive the weighted grade if they take the Advanced Placement test in the spring.

Recommendation: None. This class is required for graduation. 
Course Length: One Semester
Grade Level: 12
UC/CSU Requirement: G
This course is an introduction to the role of Individuals, Businesses & Governments play in the economy including supply & demand, types of business, Banking and the Federal Reserve & other economic models. This is an introduction to both Micro & Macroeconomics.

AP Economics
Recommendation: Cumulative G.P.A. of 3.0 or Higher, and a “B” in U.S. History
Course Length: One Semester
Grade Level: 12
UC/CSU Requirement: G
This is a college-level Macro Economics class, which focuses on the national economy and the role individuals, businesses, and governments play in the national economy. Students will learn how to read and create graphs, study economic theories, and delve into fiscal policy, monetary policy, banking, international trade, and finance. This course may be offered pending sufficient enrollment.

NOTE: Students may only receive the weighted grade if they take the Advanced Placement test in the spring.