Attendance Procedures
The attendance of students is crucial to the success of their academic school year. Regular attendance ensures that students have consistent access to the learning environment, allowing them to actively engage with the material presented by teachers. Attending classes regularly also facilitates the development of a routine, helping students to manage their time effectively and stay organized.
A. When a student is absent from school, the parent / guardian must notify the attendance office that day, or within 3 days of the absence. After 3 days, the absence can no longer be updated and will become an unexcused absence. Our office will need the following information:
- Child's name and grade
- Date(s) of absence
- Reason for absence
- Parent name
( If sending a paper note the signature of parent / guardian is required )
B. You may report an absence by emailing or by leaving a voicemail at (760) 955-2530, ext. 45101
C. If your child attended a medical appointment, kindly provide a doctor's note. In case of an authorized absence, carefully review the specified dates. Please note that students won't be allowed to return if the doctor has indicated they should be out sick on that day.
D. If you believe there's an error in your child's tardy or absence record, please reach out to the teacher first. They can quickly verify the details and address any discrepancies.
Disciplinary action may result from unexcused absences. After three (3) days of cumulative unexcused absences, a truancy letter will be sent home and the District’s Student Attendance Review Board (SARB) will be notified. Letters will also be sent at six (6) and nine (9) absences, as required by law.
Homework may be requested by a parent after a student has been absent for three or more days. Teachers have 24 hours to respond to such requests. Students are expected to make-up the work missed upon returning to school.
Regular, punctual attendance is essential for students to be successful at school. Students arriving late to school for a maximum of 10 minutes are to report to their first period class, where the tardy will be documented by the teacher. Students arriving late over 10 minutes must report to the attendance office upon arrival on campus. A student must have a note with an acceptable excuse if the tardy is to be excused.
Multiple tardies will result in disciplinary action and / or a referral to the District’s Student Attendance Review Board (SARB). If at all possible schedule medical / dental appointments during non school hours.
Any student leaving campus early must have permission and must check out at the attendance office. Parents / Guardians checking out a student must go to the attendance office, NOT the child's classroom. They will be required to provide proper identification and sign the “Student Release Log.”
For the safety of all students we will NOT release a student to anyone except the parent, legal guardian, a person the parent has authorized (in writing), or a person listed on the emergency card. Teachers cannot release a student directly from the classroom.
All classes begin promptly. Our bell schedule consists of four (4) minute passing periods and a one (1) minute warning bell prior to the beginning of each class. Students are expected to be in their assigned seats with the necessary materials when the tardy bell rings.
A student will be considered TRUANT if they arrive late to class ten (10) minutes after the tardy bell, and their Attendance Record will be noted accordingly. All students will be required to serve 15 minutes of Academic Recovery Time for each tardy. The following interventions will take place:
3rd Tardy = Referred to the Counselor
6th Tardy = Parent Conference with Administration. Student will be placed on an Attendance Contract.
9th Tardy = Referral to the SARB board and parent will accompany student to class. Possible release from CIMS.
If a student is tardy for several teachers, additional administrative disciplinary action will be taken. Tardies accumulate for each semester period.
Any absence that does not have prior parental consent and is not approved by school authorities is regarded by law as a truancy. Students who are tardy to class ten (10) minutes or more, leave the classroom without permission, or leave the campus during school hours without properly checking out through the attendance office (Closed Campus Violation) will be considered truant. Students who are truant will be assigned to after school detention. Habitual truants will be referred to the Student Attendance Review Board (SARB).
Students are to go directly to and from school without loitering. Students dropped off by parents must enter the campus immediately upon their arrival to school. Students may not leave the campus without proper checking out procedures once inside the gates. Students leaving campus without permission will be considered truant and disciplinary action will be taken.
Students who drive themselves to school must purchase a parking permit ($10 for the school year) and park in designated areas only. Please secure your vehicle as CIMS is not responsible for any damage or theft. Students are not permitted to go to their car during the school day and are to leave immediately after the final bell.
Cobalt Institute of Math and Science has a closed campus policy. Once students arrive on campus they are not permitted to leave school for any reason. If parents need to check their child out of school early, they must follow the Leaving School Early procedures. Students who leave campus without permission will be considered truant.
No one other than those designated on the student’s emergency card will be permitted to take your child from school. All visitors are required to check into the office as soon as they arrive. Administration has the authority to direct non-students to leave campus. They may also direct persons to leave campus whose presence interferes with student activities (per administrator’s discretion).
Students are permitted to leave class only for emergencies or for important reasons. Any student leaving class must have their Student Planner in their possession with the Hallway passport section completed. Any student out of class without a pass will be considered truant.
If you are having difficulty and/or concerns, please contact us as soon as possible.